不定詞用法 to V|當副詞表示「為了」

不定詞用法 有什麼呢?「to+原形動詞」to V的形式叫做不定詞。to V是不定詞片語時,可以放在句首當副詞用,表示要達到的目的,是「為了」之意。






不定詞用法 1:To V, S V

不定詞用法 :當副詞

  1. to V不定詞可以放在句首,當副詞用。
  2. 此用法表示「目的」,意思為「為了」。
  3. 此用法中的不定詞片語後面會加逗點,另需要主要主詞和動詞。
  4. 等於in order to V。
  5. 不定詞放在句尾也可表示目的,但語氣比較弱。


To get up early for the field trip, the students went to bed early.


→ to V表示目的

= In order to get up early for the field trip, the students went to bed early.

= The students went to bed early to get up early for the field trip.


To give the best performance, the magician has practiced the trick for a thousand times.


→ to V表示目的

= In order to give the best performance, the magician has practiced the trick for a thousand times.

= The magician has practiced the trick for a thousand times to give the best performance.



To make the students understand the theory, the professor explained slowly.


→ to V表示目的

= In order to make the students understand the theory, the professor explained slowly.

= The professor explained slowly to make the students understand the theory.


To best enjoy the show, all the audience kept quiet and stayed focused.


→ to V表示目的

= In order to best enjoy the show, all the audience kept quiet and stayed focused.

= All the audience kept quiet and stayed focused to best enjoy the show.



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📜 與補語相關的句型



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