once in a while 用法 |還有哪些也是「偶爾」?

once in a while 用法 是什麼呢?once 意思是「一次」,while 是「一段時間」,從一段時間才做一次事情的概念,可以聯想到這個片語是「偶爾」的意思。

once in a while 意思是「偶爾」,屬於副詞,通常放在動詞或動詞片語後面。





once in a while 用法

I. once in a while 用法

  1. 意思:偶爾,有時候
  2. 情境:用於表示「偶爾發生」、「不是很常發生」的動作
  3. 詞性:once in a while是副詞,放在動詞或動詞片語之後,修飾動詞
  4. 與sometimes比較:sometimes可放在be動詞後、一般動詞前、動詞+受詞後、句首、句尾
  5. 可加上every,等於every once in a while


David lives far from his grandparents; he visits them once in a while.


→ once in a while放在動詞的後面

→ David lives far from his grandparents; he sometimes visits them.


Although Karen is a member of this gym, she doesn’t go there often. She works out there just once in a while.

(雖然Karen是這個健身房的成員,她並不常去那裡。 她只是偶爾去那裡運動。)

→ once in a while放在動詞片語的後面

→ Although Karen is a member of this gym, she doesn’t go there often. She sometimes works out there.


Mr. and Mrs. Liang usually dine out. They cook by themselves only once in a while.

(梁先生和梁太太通常外出用餐。 他們只有偶爾自己做飯。)

→ once in a while放在動詞的後面

→ Mr. and Mrs. Liang usually dine out. They cook by themselves just sometimes.



II. once in a while 同義字


  • occasionally
  • on occasion
  • at times
  • from time to time
  • every now and then


Due to the unpredictable rainfall, drought occurs in this region once in a while.

= Due to the unpredictable rainfall, drought occurs in this region occasionally.

= Due to the unpredictable rainfall, rought occurs in this region at times.



Although living in different countries now, Raymond and his best friend contacts each other once in a while.

= Although living in different countries now, Raymond and his best friend contacts each other at times.

= Although living in different countries now, Raymond and his best friend contacts each other from time to time.




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