分詞構句用法 |【多益文法】超多例句!3步搞定分詞構句!

分詞構句用法 絕對是多益必考題,也是寫作的大絕招!綜觀歷年考題,和分詞片語一樣,分詞構句是大考、英檢、多益的常客,不論是文章裡面出現、或是出現在考題裡,甚至在寫作上使用分詞構句,立馬就能提高分數!

分詞構句就是將從屬子句變成分詞結構,是一種讓句子有變化、讓文章變豐富的方法,藉由分詞構句的使用,讓寫作不會只是單調的S + V。






分詞構句用法 指的是什麼?

分詞構句就是將從屬子句變成分詞結構,是一種讓句子有變化、讓文章變豐富的方法,藉由分詞的使用,讓寫作不會只是單調的S + V。






  1. 步驟一:找出從屬連接詞,確認前後二個子句的主詞是否相同
  2. 步驟二:省略從屬連接詞,省略從屬子句中相同的主詞
  3. 步驟三:從屬子句的動詞改成分詞。主動意義改為V-ing,被動意義改為p.p.


表示「主動意義」的分詞構句:V-ing…, S + V

  1. 在表示主動意義的分詞構句中,使用現在分詞
  2. 要注意判斷主詞和分詞的意義必須相符、能修飾才能使用。


Because Kenny felt curious about the theory, he raised a question.

= Feeling curious about the theory, Kenny raised a question.


→ 步驟一:找出從屬連接詞because,確認主詞相同Kenny與he
→ 步驟二:省略從屬連接詞because與Kenny
→ 步驟三:將felt改成分詞,因為對Kenny而言,feel為主動意義,所以用現在分詞V-ing

💡 記得將主要子句的代名詞he還原成Kenny


After Mandy got home, she turned on the air-conditioner.

= (After) getting home, Mandy turned on the air-conditioner.


→ Mandy與get為主動關係,故用getting

💡 如果覺得從屬連接詞的意義不夠清楚,像after, before可保留。


After reading this fascinating book, Sarah discovered a whole new world of imagination.


→ Sarah與read為主動關係,故用reading


Singing a song, the little boy entertained everyone at the party.


→ the little boy與sing為主動關係,故用singing


Playing the guitar, Mark filled the room with beautiful melodies.


→ Mark與play為主動關係,故用playing


Swimming in the pool, the children laughed and splashed around.


→ the children與swim為主動關係,故用swimming

Painting a picture, Lily expressed her emotions through vibrant colors.


→ Lily與paint為主動關係,故用painting



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。

Baking cookies, Martha filled the house with a delicious aroma.


→ Martha與bake為主動關係,烘焙餅乾是主動的動作,故用baking


Gardening in the backyard, Mr. Johnson was planting a variety of colorful flowers.



Cooking a gourmet meal, the chef delighted the diners with his culinary skills.




表示「被動意義」的分詞構句:pp…, S + V

  1. 在表示被動意義的分詞構句中,使用過去分詞
  2. 要注意判斷主詞和分詞的意義必須相符才能使用
  3. 在表被動的分詞構句中,being可以省略或保留。


As the old temple was built three hundred years ago, it was destroyed in a fierce earthquake.

= Built three hundred years ago, the old temple was destroyed in a fierce earthquake.

= Being built three hundred years ago, the old temple was destroyed in a fierce earthquake.


→ the temple與build為被動關係,寺廟被建造,所以分詞用built


Because Eliada was encouraged by her teacher, she became confident and made much progress.

= (Being) Encouraged by her teacher, Eliada became confident and made much progress.


→ Eliada受到老師鼓勵,與encourage為被動關係,被鼓勵,所以分詞用encouraged。

→ 在表被動的分詞構句中,可以保留being


Surprised by the sudden rainstorm, the pedestrians hurriedly sought shelter.

= Being surprised by the sudden rainstorm, the pedestrians hurriedly sought shelter.


→ the pedestrians與surprise為被動關係,行人被嚇到,所以分詞用surprised


Inspired by her favorite artist, Emma started painting vibrant landscapes.

= Being inspired by her favorite artist, Emma started painting vibrant landscapes.


→ Emma與inspire為被動關係,Emma受到啟發,所以分詞用inspired


Captivated by the breathtaking sunset, the couple held hands and admired the view.

= Being captivated by the breathtaking sunset, the couple held hands and admired the view.


→ the couple與captivate為被動關係,情侶被吸引住,所以分詞用captiated


Overwhelmed by the support from her friends, Jane felt a surge of gratitude.


= Being overwhelmed by the support from her friends, Jane felt a surge of gratitude.

→ Jane與overwhelm為被動關係,Jane被支持淹沒,所以分詞用overwhelmed


Fascinated by the historical artifacts, the visitors spent hours exploring the museum.


= Being fascinated by the historical artifacts, the visitors spent hours exploring the museum.

→ the visiors與fascinate為被動關係,遊客們被迷住,所以分詞用fascinated


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


有完成式:Having pp/Having been V-ing/Having been pp…, S + V

  1. 完成式的結構是have pp、完成進行式的結構是have been V-ing、完成被動式have been pp,含有完成式的句型也能改成分詞構句,只要將第一個動詞have改成having即可,其他元素不用更動喔!
  2. 在表示主動意義的分詞構句中,使用現在分詞,在表示被動意義的分詞構句中,使用過去分詞。
  3. 要注意判斷主詞和分詞的意義必須相符才能使用。
  4. 在完成被動式的分詞構句中,只要意思清楚,having been可以省略或保留。


As the child had been crying for an hour, he felt hungry and thirsty.

= Having been crying for an hour, the child felt hungry and thirsty.


→ 完成式也可以改成分詞構句having + pp的形式


Having finished her homework, Emily went out to play with her friends.


→ 已經完成作業是have finisher her homework,將have改為分詞,即可成為分詞構句having finished her homework


Having traveled around the world, Jack gained a broader perspective on different cultures.


→ 已經環遊世界是have traveled around the world,將have改為分詞,即可成為分詞構句having traveld around the world


Having completed the marathon, Tom collapsed onto the ground, exhausted.


→ 已經完成馬拉松賽事是have completed the marathon,將have改為分詞,即可成為分詞構句having completed the marathon



Because Jason had been praised by his teacher, he gained much confidence.

= Having been praised by his teacher, Joe gained much confidence.

= Praised by his teacher, Joe gained much confidence.


→ 注意,Having been pp才是被動意義的完成式分詞,Having ppHaving been V-ing主動意義的完成式分詞

→ 在完成被動式的分詞構句中,只要意思清楚,having been可以省略或保留。


Having been informed of the change in schedule, the team adjusted their plans accordingly.


→ 團隊已經被通知,用完成式的被動形having been informed


Having been awarded the scholarship, Lisa felt a sense of accomplishment and pride.


→ Lisa已經被頒獎,用完成式的被動形having been awarded


Having been rejected by multiple publishers, the author didn’t lose hope and continued writing.


→ 作者已經被拒絕,用完成式的被動形having been rejected


Having been caught in heavy traffic, they arrived at the party much later than expected.


→ 他們已經被困在塞車中,用完成式的被動形having been caught


Having been praised for her artistic talent, Emma decided to pursue a career in painting.



Having been repaired by a skilled mechanic, the car ran smoothly without any issues.




分詞構句的否定: Not + V-ing

分詞構句的否定只要在前面加上not即可,變成Not V-ing

Not knowing what to do, the girl couldn’t help but frown.


→ 用Not + V-ing表示分詞的否定意思


Not feeling satisfied with the project, the manager asked the employee for a revised version.


→ 用Not + V-ing表示分詞的否定意思


Not having enough time, Amanda couldn’t attend the party.


→ 用Not + V-ing表示分詞的否定意思


Not understanding the instructions, the workers made several mistakes.


→ 用Not + V-ing表示分詞的否定意思


Not realizing the danger, the man continued walking on the edge of the cliff.


→ 用Not + V-ing表示分詞的否定意思


Not wanting to upset his girlfriend, David kept his opinion to himself.


→ 用Not + V-ing表示分詞的否定意思



Not feeling well, Ms. Wang decided to stay home and rest.


→ 用Not + V-ing表示分詞的否定意思

Not realizing he was being watched, the thief continued to steal valuables.



Not having enough money, they couldn’t afford to go on vacation.



Not liking the taste of the dish, she pushed her plate away.



Not wanting to miss the opportunity, he worked hard to improve his skills.




  1. 有些分詞代有主動意義,但卻轉化成-ed形的形容詞,這些字需要另外背誦,
  2. 用ed形: located(座落於)、situated (座落於)、seated (坐著的)、dressed (穿著)、aged (…歲的)
  3. 用-ed形:與情緒類相關的分詞,例如excited、exhausted等
  4. 用V-ing形:stand (座落)、sit (座落)、lie (位於)、measure (測量起來)等


Dressed in a gown, Teresa looked far more terrific than other girls in the party.


→ 主詞是Teresa,雖然是主動穿著,但用dressed


Located/Situated on the hill, the house has a wonderful view.


→ 表示房子「位於」,固定用located/situated


Sitting/Standing/Lying on the hill, the house has a wonderful view.


→ 用sit、stand或lie當座落的意思,要用主動V-ing


Exhausted from a long day at work, Tom collapsed onto the couch.





  1. 使用分詞構句時,需要特別留意的部分就是主詞必須一致才能省略。
  2. 換言之,分詞構句的主詞必須與主要子句的主詞相符,否則會成為修飾對象不明的dangling modifier。


When Ian walked in the woods, he thought the trees looked beautiful.

(O) Walking in the woods, Ian thought the trees looked beautiful.


(X) Walking in the woods, the trees looked beautiful.

(→ walking in the woods變成修飾樹木,樹木不會走路,為錯誤用法)


Because the motorcyclist was injured in the car accident, he was sent to the hospital by an ambulance.

(O) Being injured in the car accident, the motorcyclist was sent to the hospital by an ambulance.


(X)  Being injured in the car accident, the ambulance sent the motorcyclist to the hospital.

(→ Being injured in the car accident變成修飾救護車,救護車不會受傷,為錯誤用法)


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. ______ the bicycle along the river bank, Susan felt relaxed.
    (A) Ridden
    (B) Riding
    (C) Has ridden
    (D) Being ridden
  2. ______ by a famous architect, this skyscraper has attracted thousands of visitors every year.
    (A) To design
    (B) Designing
    (C) Having designed
    (D) Designed
  3. (110學測克漏字)
    __28__ already shrunk by 85% to a mere 0.5 square kilometers, Papua’s glaciers will completely disappear within a decade, researchers have predicted.
    (A) Have
    (B) Had
    (C) Having
    (D) Having been
  4. 看見蟑螂在房間到處跑,這小男孩驚聲尖叫。

📜 分詞相關句型連結

📜 英文字首相關用法特輯:


1. (B)

2. (D)

3. (C)

4. Seeing cockroaches running around in the room, the little boy screamed with fear.


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