in addition to用法 |一樣都是「除了」,和except for怎麼分?

in addition to用法 是什麼?in addition to是介系詞,後面加名詞或動名詞,意思是「除了…(還有)」。

但是except for也常常翻譯成「除了」,這二者該怎麼分呢?這二個有什麼差別呢?


一起來看看in addition to的用法,與和except for的區分吧!

in addition to用法




in addition to用法

in addition to用法

  1. in addition to意思為「除了…還有」,表示除了後面所接的名詞外,還有其他的對象,因此意思「包含」本身。
  2. in addition to是介系詞,後面加名詞或動名詞V-ing,等於besides、on top of、apart from、aside from、other than。
  3. in addition是副詞,意思為「此外」,等於besides、additionally、moreover、furthermore、what’s more。


In addition to a hamburger, the hungry man ate two bowls of noodles.


→ in addition to有包含後面的名詞本身hamburger,因此這個男人吃了漢堡和二碗麵

→ in addition to + N

= Besides/Apart from/Aside from a hamburger, the hungry man ate two bowls of noodles.


In addition to jogging in the morning, Frank enjoys hiking on the weekend.


→ in addition to有包含後面的名詞本身jogging in the morning,因此Frank喜歡慢跑和健行,討論對象包含慢跑

→ in addition to + V-ing

= Frank enjoys jogging in the morning. In addition, he enjoys hiking on the weekend.

= Besides/Apart from/Aside from/Other than jogging in the morning, Frank enjoys hiking on the weekend.


Jimmy’s English teacher complimented him on his performance. In addition, she said a few encouraging words to him.

(Jimmy的英文老師稱讚他的表現。 此外,她還對幾句鼓勵的話。)

→ in addition是副詞,後面要加逗點


My new neighbor gave us a tour of her house. In addition, she treated us some snacks and coffee.

(我的新鄰居帶領我們參觀房子。 此外,她還請了我們一些零食和咖啡。)

→ in addition是副詞,後面要加逗點



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


in addition to和except for的分別

  1. except for意思為「除了」,是介系詞,後面加名詞。
  2. 與in addition to不同的是,except for討論對象「不包含」本身。
  3. except for接名詞時,可等於except。


Everyone attended the conference except for Katherine, because she felt unwell.


→ except for不包含後面的名詞本身,因此Katherine不包含在討論對象,她沒有參加會議

= Everyone attended the conference except Katherine, because she felt unwell.

= Everyone attended the conference apart fromaside from Katherine, because she felt unwell.


Oliver will invite every one of his classmates to the party except for Robin, since he likes to play tricks on others.


→ except for不後面的名詞本身,因此討論對象不包含Robin,他將不會被邀請到聚會

= Oliver will invite every one of his classmates to the party except for Robin, since he likes to play tricks on others.

= Oliver will invite every one of his classmates to the party apart fromaside from Robin, since he likes to play tricks on others.




1. 意思包含本身:(除了…,還有)

  • in addition to
  • besides
  • on top of…
  • apart from
  • aside from
  • other than


2. 意思不包含本身:(除了)

  • except for
  • apart from
  • aside from
  • other than


3. 二個用法都可用者

  • apart from
  • aside from
  • other than


Airline passengers may have noticed that all plane windows have rounded edges, instead of the hard corners commonly found in our house.

The round windows are indeed pleasant to the eye, but they actually were designed for reasons ___16___ aesthetics. (取自111學測)


16. (A) contrary to (B) except for (C) more of (D) other than

→ 答:(D) 除了美學之外,還有其他原因,有包含美學本身,故選(D) other than。

→ except for不包含本身,故不是答案


In addition to its highly nutritional makeup, tempeh has diverse preparation possibilities. It can be served as a main course (usually in curries) or a side dish to be eaten with rice, as a deep-fried snack, or even blended into smoothies and healthy juices. (取自108指考)

(除了高營養成分外,豆豉還有多種烹調的可能性。 它可以作為主菜(通常在咖哩中)或配菜與米飯一起食用,作為油炸小吃,甚至可以混入冰沙和健康果汁中。)

→ in addition to包含本身,談論的對象包含營養成分在內


📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

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📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:


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