動名詞 V-ing用法大集合 |當主詞、受詞、補語

顧名思義, 動名詞 就是有動詞意思的名詞,屬性是名詞,所以用法和特性都和名詞相同喔!

動名詞是V-ing形,跟現在分詞V-ing同形,變化的規則一樣 (V-ing變化連結在此),但用法有差別。動名詞是名詞,可以當主詞、主詞補語、受詞、受詞補語,用法很多元,在學測指考、英檢的翻譯和多益的文法題中是萬年高頻題,一定要掌握好喔!現在分詞則是當形容詞或補語用,用法連結在此





動名詞 V-ing的用法

I. 當主詞

  1. 名詞很重要的功能就是當主詞,當動詞在主詞的位子時,要用動名詞形。
  2. 一個動名詞等於一個名詞,用單數動詞。以此類推,二個以上的動名詞用複數動詞。

Making friends with selfish people is the last thing that I would do.


→ 「交朋友」是動詞,但在主詞的位子故用動名詞,視為一件事情(交朋友這件事情)


Mastering a foreign language requires time and perseverance.


→ 「精通外語」是動詞,但在主詞的位子故用動名詞,視為一件事情


II. 當主詞補語

  1. 名詞很常見的另一個用法就是當主詞補語,用在連綴動詞(be, become等)後面,表示「… 是某件事」。
  2. 記得,在be動詞後面不要隨便用原形動詞喔!

My favorite pastime is building models with LEGO bricks.

(我最喜歡的消遣是用樂高積木搭建模型 。)

→ 「交朋友」是動詞,但在主詞的位子,應該用動名詞,視為一件事情(交朋友這件事情)


The award  symbolizes winning all the judges’ affirmative.


→ 「獎項象徵」是動詞,但在主詞的位子,應該用動名詞,視為一件事情



III. 當受詞


Few people think talking about their past relationships romantic.


→ 「交朋友」當名詞用,受詞是talking … relationships,當動詞think的受詞


Timmy is not patient with doing the laundry; in his opinion, it is better to find others’ help.

(不喜歡洗衣服; 在他看來,還是找別人幫忙比較好。)

→ 「洗衣服」當名詞用,受詞是doing the laundry,當介系詞with的受詞


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


IV. 當受詞補語

  1. 名詞也很常被拿來當受詞補詞。
  2. 這種用法常用感官動詞動詞。

I saw Mia apologizing to her boyfriend for being late.

(我看到Mia因為遲到而向她男朋友道歉。 )

→ 「向男友道歉」當名詞用,受詞是apologizing….,當Mia的受詞補語


The housewife overheard her husband talking about their new business.


→ 「無意中聽到…」當名詞用,受詞是talking about their new business,當her husband的受詞補語


V. 所有格(one’s) +動名詞

  1. 既然動名詞等於名詞,也可以在動名詞前面加上所有格,表示動作所屬的人是誰,也就是「是誰做了這個動作」。

Do you mind closing the window?


→ mind後面沒接新的人,可見關窗戶跟主詞是同一個人you


Do you mind myclosing the window?


→ mind後面、動名詞closing the window前有所有格my,可見是問「你介意我關窗戶這件事嗎?」


Mr. Whittaker’s being observant has won him many friends.


→ 以「所有格+動名詞」表示動作是誰做的




  1. 有些動詞在接續另一個動詞時沒有限制,可以接動名詞V-ing或不定詞to V,但有些動詞限定後面只能接續動名詞V-ing,也有些動詞後面只能接續不定詞to V。
  2. 這些必須特別記誦,也是考試的重點喔!
keep +V-ing繼續mind +V-ing介意
avoid +V-ing避免deny +V-ing否認
enjoy +V-ing喜歡finish +V-ing完成
practice +V-ing練習consider +V-ing考慮
admit +V-ing承認quit + V-ing戒除

The cunning man denied stealing the purse from the lady sitting next to him.



The pitcher has to practice throwing balls for over 8 hours.




後方接續 動名詞 的to

  1. to通常是不定詞的符號,大部分後面會接原形動詞。但是有一些片語中的to屬於介系詞,所以在後面要加動名詞V-ing。
  2. 這些必須特別記誦,也是考試的重點喔!
in addition to + V-ing除了
be used/accustomed to + V-ing習慣於
look forward to + V-ing期待
when it comes to + V-ing當提到
be devoted to + V-ing致力於
be dedicated to + V-ing致力於
be opposed to + V-ing反對
object to + V-ing反對

When it comes to playing badminton, my sister is second to none.



Many people are opposed to building a new power plant.



Dr. King was devoted to encouraging people to stand up for injustice and racism.





  1. _______ his wedding planned is the first thing that Shane has done.
    (A) Has
    (B) Had
    (C) To have
    (D) Having
  2. Mr. and Mrs. Yang find it _______ to watch their friend play hockey.
    (A) exciting
    (B) excited
    (C) excites
    (D) to excite
  3. I admire Hugh’s _______ to principles whatever happens.
    (A) sticks
    (B) tuck
    (C) sticking
    (D) stick

📜 分詞相關句型連結


1. D

2. A

3. C


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