英文文法練習 時態篇 |【多益文法/學測】3分鐘快速檢測系列

英文文法練習 時態 篇 有哪些題目? 英文文法是多益、學測、英檢必定出現的測驗項目。



本篇為英文文法練習 時態 篇。來用3分鐘快速檢測自己的文法觀念吧!(時態大全連結在此)





英文文法練習 時態 篇

i. 檢測

☺ 請判斷時態,寫出括弧中動詞的正確形態。

  1. Every winter, flocks of migratory birds __ (fly) to the warmer region, and then they __ (fly) away when the weather gets cooler.
  2. Listen! Grandpa __ (sing) in the the garden now.
  3. Obviously, the man, whose eyes are wide open, __ never __ (hear) such a ridiculous story.
  4. While Mandy __ (cook) at eleven o’clock last night, her son __ (run) around in the kitchen.
  5. A big concert __ (be) held yesterday, and it __ (attract) a large number of people.
  6. I don’t know when Miranda __ (finish) her report this week.
  7. When the general manager __ (arrive) later this afternoon, the meeting will be held.
  8. The phone __ (ring) for 5 minutes. I guess nobody is home now.
  9. Before the student returned home, his mother __ (prepare) a delicious meal for him.
  10. The kind-hearted man __ (donate) a part of his salary to the charity every month.



ii. 答案&解說

1. Every winter, flocks of migratory birds __ (fly) to the warmer region, and then they __ (fly) away when the weather gets cooler.

→ 正解:fly; fly

→ 判斷關鍵為”every” winter,表示規律的事情用現在簡單式現在簡單式用法連結。


2. Listen! Grandpa __ (sing) in the the garden now.

→ 正解:is singing

→ 判斷關鍵為”Listen”和”now”,表示正在進行的動作用現在進行式現在進行式用法連結。


3. Obviously, the man, whose eyes are wide open,  __ never __ (hear) such a ridiculous story.

→ 正解:has never heard

→ 判斷關鍵為”never”,搭配頻率副詞、表示經驗用現在完成式現在完成式用法連結。


4. While Mandy __ (cook) at eleven o’clock last night, her son __ (run) around in the kitchen.

→ 正解:was cooking; was running

→ 判斷關鍵為”at eleven o’clock”與”last night”,在過去式中,如果有寫出明確時間點,表示過去某時間正在進行的動作,用過去進行式過去進行式用法連結。

→ while常與進行式連用。while用法連結


5. A big concert __ (be) held yesterday, and it __ (attract) a large number of people.

→ 正解:was; attracted

→ 判斷關鍵為”yesterday”,表示過去的事情用過去簡單式過去簡單式用法連結。


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


6. I don’t know when Miranda __ (finish) her report this week.

→ 正解:will finish

→ 判斷關鍵為”this week”,表示未來的事情用未來式未來式用法連結。


7. When the general manager __ (arrive) later this afternoon, the meeting will be held.

→ 正解:arrives

→ 判斷關鍵為”when”和laterthis afternoon。在副詞子句中,要用現在式代替未來式。未來式用法連結。


8. The phone __ (ring) for 5 minutes. I guess nobody is home now.

→ 正解:has been ringing

→ 判斷關鍵為”for”,表示持續一段時間的事情用完成式,如果強調動作持續一段時間且正在進行,用完成進行式完成進行式用法連結。


9. Before the student returned home, his mother __ (prepare) a delicious meal for him.

→ 正解:had prepared

→ 判斷關鍵為”before”,表示比過去式早發生的動作用過去完成式過去完成式用法連結。


10. The kind-hearted man __ (donate) a part of his salary to the charity every month.

→ 正解:donates

→ 判斷關鍵為”every month”,表示規律的動作用現在簡單式,主詞為第三人稱單數時,動詞要加-s/-es。第三人稱單數動詞變化用法連結。


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📜 動詞時態的用法連結:

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📜 被動語態的相關連結:

📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:


🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。



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