while用法 |當連接詞的用法完整收集!

while用法 有哪些?while可以當連接詞,連接從屬子句與主要子句。








I. while意思為「當…時」

  1. while可解為「當…時」,後面的子句用進行式,另一句可以是簡單式,表示當某動作發生時,另一動作正在發生。
  2. 另一個用法是,while後面的子句用進行式,另一句也可以是進行式,表示當某動作正在發生時,另一動作也正在發生。
  3. while引導的為表時間的副詞子句,因此如果是用在表示未來動作時,後面的子句必須用現在式代替未來
  4. 此用法可搭配分詞構句的概念,如果二句的主詞相同,可以省略while子句的主詞,並將分詞改為動詞。


While the teacher was explaining the complicated theory, a student suddenly rose from his seat.


→ while + 進行式,另一句為簡單式


David heard a loud sound while he was fixing his bicycle in the garage.

= David heard a loud sound while fixing his bicycle in the garage.


→ while + 進行式,另一句為簡單式

→ 二句主詞相同時可省略while引導的從屬子句中的主詞,將動詞改為分詞


While Jacob is writing his history report, his brother is playing a video game.


→ while + 進行式,另一句也是進行式


Alison was mopping the floor while her sister was folding the clothes.


→ while + 進行式,另一句也是進行式


I will take care of my sister’s cats while she is away.


→ 在while的句子中,用現在式代替未來式,故動詞用is,而不是will be




II. while意思為「而」

  1. while可解為「而」,表示二個對象的對比或對照。
  2. 在這用法中的while等於whereas。


The grapefruit tastes sour, while the watermelon tastes sweet.


→ 以while表示葡萄柚與西瓜的對比,意為「而」


Learning English is challenging to Luke, while learning math is relatively easy.


→ 以while表示Luke學習英語和數學的對比,意為「而」


People living in the urban areas tend to feel more pressure from work, while those living in the suburbs mostly are more relaxed.


→ 以while表示在城市與郊區者的對比,意為「而」


Mrs. Sun enjoys going shopping on the weekend, while her husband prefers to watch football games at home.


→ 以while表示孫太太與她先生的對比,意為「而」


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


III. while意思為「雖然」

  1. while可解為「雖然」,是表示讓步的用法。
  2. 在這用法中的while等於although、despite the fact that、或in spite of the fact that。


While commuting to work is a hassle, Lydia has no choice, for her company is far from her house.


→ 以while表示「雖然」


While bungee jumping is a risky sport, quite a few people like it.


→ 以while表示「雖然」


While mastering a language takes a lot of time and effort, Richard never wants to give up learning French.


→ 以while表示「雖然」


While the girl has a sweet tooth, she avoids consuming too much sugary food to control her weight.


→ 以while表示「雖然」



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