that代替 前面名詞 |複數用those,選擇高頻題、作文高分法!

that除了當關係代名詞、引導名詞子句,還有 that代替 前面名詞的用法。


一起來學習 that代替 前面提過的名詞用法吧!that和it與one的比較請見此連結





that代替 名詞

I. that代替 單數名詞

  1. that可代替前面提過的單數名詞。
  2. 注意,在此用法中,that代換的是同字,但指的卻是不同對象,可以等於the one。如果是對象完全相等,要用代名詞it代替。
  3. 此用法很常出現在二對象比較時,常見於「that of …」或「that + 介系詞」的情況。


The price of a laptop is much higher than that of a cellphone.


→ the price是單數名詞,在前面提過,因此用that代替

→ that只等於the price,但並非等於the price of a laptop,故不用it

→ 原句:The price of a laptop is much higher than the price of a cellphone.

→ (X):The price of a laptop is much higher than it of a cellphone.


The size of a mansion is even larger than that of a flat.


→ the size是單數名詞,在前面提過,因此用that代替

→ that只等於the size,但並非等於the size of a mansion,故不用it

→ 原句:The size of a mansion is even larger than the size of a flat.

→ (X):The size of a mansion is even larger than it of a flat.


To Ben, the taste of coffee is better than that of tea.


→ that只等於the taste,但並非等於the taste of coffee,故不用it

→ 原句:To Ben, the taste of coffee is better than the taste of tea.

→ (X):To Ben, the taste of coffee is better than it of tea.


I think the flavor of red peppers is similar to that of yellow peppers.


→ that只等於the floavor,但並非等於the flavor of red peppers,故不用it

→ 原句:I think the flavor of red peppers is similar to the flavor of yellow peppers.

→ (X):I think the flavor of red peppers is similar to it of yellow peppers.



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


II. those代替 複數名詞

  1. those可代替前面提過的單數名詞,不是用these喔。
  2. 注意,在此用法中,those代換的是同字,但指的卻是不同對象,可以等於the ones。如果是對象完全相等,要用代名詞they代替。
  3. 此用法很常出現在二對象比較時,常見於「those of …」或「those + 介系詞」的情況。


The people in Taiwan seem  friendlier than those in that country.


→ the people是複數名詞,在前面提過,因此用those代替

→ those只等於the people,但並非等於the people in Taiwan,故不用they

→ 原句:The people in Taiwan seem friendlier than the people in that country.

→ (X):The people in Taiwan seem friendlier than they in that country.


The T-shirts in this shop sell better than those in that shop.


→ the T-shirts是複數名詞,在前面提過,因此用those代替

→ those只等於the T-shirts,但並非等於The T-shirts in this shop,故不用they

→ 原句:The T-shirts in this shop sell better than the T-shirts in that shop.

→ (X):The T-shirts in this shop sell better than they in that shop.


Do you agree that the flowers in this pot smell different from those in that pot?


→ those只等於the flowers,但並非等於the flowers in this pot,故不用they

→ 原句:Do you agree that the flowers in this pot smell different from the flowers in that pot?

→ (X):Do you agree that the flowers in this pot smell different from they in that pot?


Maggie found that the books on this shelf are thicker than those on that shelf.


→ those只等於the books,但並非等於the books on this shelf,故不用they

→ 原句:Maggie found that the books on this shelf are thicker than the books on that shelf.

→ (X):Maggie found that the books on this shelf are thicker than they on that shelf.




✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

I. 練習
  1. The weather in the south is usually warmer than _______ in the north.
    (A) what
    (B) it
    (C) that
    (D) those
  2. The models in this company look a lot taller than _______ in that company.
    (A) they
    (B) ones
    (C) that
    (D) those
  3. The most useful training tool to this athlete is _______ provided by his coach.
    (A) that
    (B) which
    (C) it
    (D) those
  4. 最受歡迎的冰淇淋口味不是巧克力,而是香草口味。

📜 關係詞的用法連結:


🔑 正解:
  1. (C)
  2. (D)
  3. (A)
  4. The ice cream flavor that wins the most popularity is not chocolate but that of vanilla.



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