主詞與動詞一致 |多益閱讀高頻題&學測作文常見錯誤!

主詞與動詞一致 是英文的特性。在多益閱讀是高頻出現題,在學測作文也是容易犯的錯誤。這個 主詞與動詞一致 學習重點,絕對需要多加留意!

在現在式的時態中,當主詞是單數或不可數名詞時,搭配單數動詞,一般動詞在字尾加-s或-es(單數動詞變化連結),be動詞用is/was,do用does,完成式用has。當主詞是複數名詞時,則不用變化動詞,be動詞用are/were,完成式用have。在過去式的時態則一律加-d/-ed,be動詞使用was/were,完成式用had pp。






  1. 英文的主詞與動詞的「數」必須相符。
  2. 當時態是現在式時,單數主詞必須搭配單數形的動詞(單數動詞變化連結)。
  3. 當時態是過去式時,一律用過去式的動詞(過去式動詞變化連結)。


  1. 當主詞單數可數名詞(a/an/the)時,加上單數形的動詞,一般動詞在字尾加-s或-es(單數動詞變化連結),be動詞用is/was,do用does,完成式用has。
  2. 複數主詞則搭配複數形的動詞,一般動詞不須加變化,be動詞用are/were。

A supervisor visits the company on a regular basis.



The young man is rewarded for his hard work.



The employess in this department are going to get a pay raise for their good sales.





  1. 當主詞是不可可數名詞時,視為單數主詞,加上單數形的動詞,一般動詞在字尾加-s或-es(單數動詞變化連結),be動詞用is/was,do用does,完成式用has。
  2. 常用的不可數名詞有:information, advice, research, news, suggestion, cost, quality等。

The cost of production has been increasing over the years.



The information revealed in the report was discussed in the meeting.





  1. 動名詞(V-ing)和不定詞(to V)當主詞時,也視為單數主詞,加上單數形的動詞,一般動詞在字尾加-s或-es(單數動詞變化連結),be動詞用is/was,do用does,have用has。
  2. 如果有二個動名詞或二個不定詞當主詞,則視為複數,加上複數形的動詞。

Giving out samples of the new product is one of the marketing strategies.


💡 一個動名詞當一件事情,視為單數主詞,加單數動詞


To create friendly atmosphere in the company serves as the manager’s primary goal.


💡 一個不定詞當一件事情,視為單數主詞,加單數動詞




  1. 有些主詞含有關係子句分詞片語、介系詞片語等修飾語,在判斷時應不受修飾語影響。
  2. 建議可將修飾畫出,能更精確判斷。

The man who interviewed the applicants is the Human Resource Director.


💡 關係子句who … applicants是主詞the man的修飾語


To everyone’s surprise, the plan proposed by the newcomer was accepted by the manager.


💡 分詞片語proposed … newcomer是主詞the plan的修飾語


The files in this folder were deleted by someone.


💡 介系詞片語in this folder是主詞the files的修飾語


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  1. 有些形容詞表示複數意思,搭配複數名詞與複數形的動詞。
  2. 結構「the + adj」等於複數名詞,搭配複數形的動詞。
  • many (許多)
  • a large number of (許多)
  • quite a few (不少)
  • few (只有一些)
  • a few (有些)
  • various (多種的)/ different (不同的)
  • a variety of (不同的)
  • both A and B
  • the rich, the poor, the old, the young等

A large number of travel agencies are going to join the international travel fair.


💡 a number of + 複數名詞


Quite a few innovative items have attracted the attention of several manufacturers.


💡 quite a few + 複數名詞


A few researchers work for the new established corporation.


💡 a few + 複數名詞


The rich are not always happy.


💡 the + adj = 複數名詞


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:



  1. 有些形容詞表示單數意思,搭配單數名詞與單數形的動詞。
  2. 不可數名詞視為單數用法。
  • much (許多)
  • a large amount of (多量)
  • a large sum of (很多金額)
  • a great deal of (很多)
  • many a (不少)
  • little (只有一些)
  • a little (有些)
  • each, every
  • something, someone, anything, anyone, nothing, nobody

A large amount of waste water was discharged into the river by this factory.


💡 a large amount of + 單數名詞


A great deal of effort is put into the project.


💡 a great deal of + 單數名詞


So far, little has been done for the disabled.


💡 little + 單數名詞




  1. either A or B (非A即B):由靠近的主詞決定動詞
  2. neither A nor B (非A非B):由靠近的主詞決定動詞
  3. A or B:由靠近的主詞決定動詞
  4. not A but B (不是A而是B):由主詞B決定動詞
  5. not only A but also B (不只A還有B):由靠近的主詞決定動詞
  6. A as well as B (A和B):由主詞A決定動詞
  7. A, along with B, (A還有B):由主詞A決定動詞

Either Derek or his best friends have the key to the lock.


💡 由靠近的主詞his best friends決定動詞,用複數形


Not only the computers but also the copying machine was removed.

= The computers as well as the copying machine were removed.


💡 not only A but also B由靠近動詞的主詞the copying machine決定動詞,用單數形

💡 A as well as B由主詞A the computers決定動詞,用複數形


A: Is Nancy or her cousins going to take the online English lessons?

B: Yes, Nancy or her cousins are going to take the online English lessons.



💡 A or B由靠近的主詞決定動詞



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