主詞和動詞一致 |最常見的寫作錯誤之一

英文的學習重點之一就是 主詞和動詞一致 ,這是和中文很大的不同處。

會有單數和複數區分的動詞包含be動詞、一般動詞現在式的單複數、助動詞do, does, did、助動詞have, has, had,在使用時都必須和主詞的「數」相符。






I. be動詞

  • be動詞和主詞有固定的組合,依據時態和人稱不同而變化。

現在式:I搭配am,you 和複數主詞搭配are,he等第三人稱單數主詞搭配is

I am a student.



You are a confident girl.



He is a baseball coach.



Penelope is good at drawing, and Chloe is fond of reading.



They are smart girls.




I was late for the conference.



Lois was not informed of the news.



Where were you last night?



Are you for or against this plan?



II. 一般動詞 

  1. 主詞是第三人稱單數時,現在式的一般動詞必須加-s或-es。過去式的一般動詞則不需要變化。
  2. 注意,have屬於不規則變化動詞,搭配第三人稱單數主詞時改成has。

The adorable baby always laughs when someone holds him.


→ baby和someone是第三人稱單數主詞,動詞都要加-s


My dad watches football games when he has free time.


→ my dad是第三人稱單數主詞,watch要加-es,並用has


Last night, I had noodles, my brother had rice, and my sisters had bread for dinner.


→ 過去式動詞不需要依照人稱變化


III. 助動詞do, does, did

  1. 助動詞do, does, did是用來改含一般動詞的疑問句或否定句。
  2. 需要依照主詞的單複數或時態做變化。
 第一人稱( I, we )、第二人稱 (you, you)、複數主詞單數主詞

A: Do you enjoy going outdoors on sunny days?

B: No, I don’t. I don’t like hot weather.

(A: 出太陽時,你喜歡去戶外嗎?)

(B: 不,我不喜歡炎熱的天氣。)

→ I, you搭配do


What do your classmates think about online learning lessons?


→ 複數主詞搭配do


How does the pudding taste?


→ 單數主詞搭配does


A: Did the president of your club make any announcement?

B: No, she didn’t.

(A: 社長有做任何宣布嗎?)

(B: 不,沒有。)


IV. 助動詞have, has

  1. have可以當助動詞,形成完成式have pp。
  2. have需要依照主詞的單複數或時態做變化。
 第一人稱( I, we )、第二人稱 (you, you)、複數主詞單數主詞

A: Have you been to the new park?

B: No, I haven’t.

(A: 你有去過新公園嗎?)

(B: 不,還沒。)

→ I, you搭配do


A: Has your dad told you what to do? How about your mom?

B: No, they haven’t.

(A: 你爸爸告訴你該怎麼做了嗎?妳媽媽呢?)

(B: 不,都還沒。)

→ 單數主詞搭配has,複數主詞搭配have


Before our teacher entered the classroom, I had finished the exercise, but my classmates hadn’t.


→ 在過去式時,不論主詞,一律用had


✏️ 牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1.  ______ a freelance writer, and my brother teaches in cram school.
    (A) He is     
    (B) I am     
    (C) They look     
    (D) I are
  2. A: Have you ever ________ Malaysia? No, I haven’t.
    (A) been to   
    (B) going to     
    (C) gone to   
    (D) go to

📜 動詞時態的用法連結:


1. B   

2. A    


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