some of whom – 與some of them有什麼差別?
關係代名詞可以搭配其他用法,讓句型有變化,運用在寫作上是加分利器喔!關係代名詞有連接與代替的功能,可以和「and +數量詞 + of 代名詞」作代換,在這種用法中必須加逗點。
常用的數量詞有:some、several、many、most、few、all、both、half、none、neither、part、one、two….等。因此,如果句子有「… N, and some of them + V」的結構可以代換成「… N(物), some of which + V」或「… N(人), some of whom + V」。
- 關係代名詞兼具連接與代替的功能,可以和「and +數量詞 + of 代名詞」作代換,變成「先行詞, 數量詞 + of 關代」的結構。
- 在這種用法中必須加逗點。
- 常用的數量詞有:some、several、many、most、few、all、both、half、none、neither、part、one、two….等。
- 因為介系詞of的關係,此用法中的關代不可用that。
- 在形容詞子句中,主詞是數量詞,因此子句中的動詞單複數必須和主詞相符。
1. 先行詞是人:… N(人), 數量詞 + of whom + V
Ian has many good friends, and some of them are basketball fans.
= Ian has many good friends, some of whom are basketball fans.
→ 先行詞是人(friends),所以「and(連接詞)+some of+ them(代名詞)」= , some of+ whom(連接+代替)。
→ and和whom不可連用,以免功能重複
The attendees of this conference are 20 young men, and all of them are prospective managers of big companies.
= The attendees of this conference are 20 young men, all of whom are prospective managers of big companies.
→ 先行詞是人(men),所以「and(連接詞)+all of+ them(代名詞)」= , all of+ whom(連接+代替)
→ 這種用法中必須加逗號
In this village live 500 people, and two thirds of them are fast runners.
= In this village live 500 people, two thirds of whom are fast runners.
→ 先行詞是人(people),所以「and(連接詞)+two thirds of+ them(代名詞)」= , two thirds of+ whom(連接+代替)
→ 主詞是2/3,2/3的人口為複數,使用複數動詞are
2. 先行詞是動物或物:… N(動物/物), 數量詞 + of which + V
Oliver keeps four dogs, and one of them guards his house.
= Oliver keeps four dogs, one of which guards his house.
→ 先行詞是動物(dogs),所以「and(連接詞)+one of + them(代名詞)」= , one of+ which(連接+代替)
→ 形容詞子句中的主詞是one,搭配單數動詞guards
Julia read ten books, and most of them were fictions.
= Julia read ten books, most of which were fictions.
→ 先行詞是物(books),所以「and(連接詞)+most of+ them(代名詞)」= , most of+ which(連接+代替)。
→ 沒有連接詞and時,必須用關代which/whom才可以連接二個句子
The evil woman gave the princess an apple, and part of it was poisoned.
= The evil woman gave the princess an apple, part of which was poisoned.
(邪惡的女人給了公主一個蘋果,其中一部分被下毒了 。)
→ 先行詞是物(an apple),所以「and(連接詞)+part of+ it(代名詞)」= , part of+ which(連接+代替)。
→ 一顆蘋果的part仍然視為單數,故形容詞子句裡的動詞為單數was
有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:
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- On Netflix, there are a wide variety of programs, and _________ are blockbuster films.
(A) many of them
(B) many of whom
(C) many of which
(D) many of that - In this dentist clinic, there are 6 doctors, _________ are female.
(A) and half of them
(B) half of whom
(C) and half of whom
(D) whom - I bought a big apple, part of ________ rotten.
(A) them were
(B) it was
(C) which was
(D) whom were - Liang老師介紹了十位作家,其中一半的人寫了很多書(productive)。
📜 關係詞的用法連結:
- 關代的基本用法
- 關代that的使用條件
- 關係形容詞whose的用法
- 關代的限定與非限定用法
- 關係副詞when、where、why
- 關係副詞vs關係代名詞的比較
- 關代中的some of whom/which
- 複合關係代名詞what
- what和which的分辨
- 複合關係代名詞wh-ever
- those who/people who的句型
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. Mr. Liang introduced ten writers, half of whom were very productive.
= Mr. Liang introduced ten writers, and half of them were very productive.