whoever, whatever等的用法攻略! |wh-+ever「不論~」

繼「no matter + wh-(疑問詞)」的句型後,再來收集另一個「不論」的用法: wh-(疑問詞)+ -ever!有(1)複合關係代名詞  whoever  (不論誰), whomever (不論誰-受格), whatever (不論什麼), whichever (不論哪個) (2) 複合關係副詞 wherever (不論哪裡), whenever (不論何時), however (不論如何)。

這些詞引導副詞子句,表示「不論」,用法類似no matter + wh-(疑問詞),可以互相代換。但是和複合關係代名詞whoever (任何…的人)等用法和意思完全不同,使用上要小心判斷。二者的比較連結在此。一起來學習wh-+ever「不論」的用法吧!




此類 whoever 引導副詞子句的複合詞

whoeverno matter who不論誰
whomeverno matter whom不論誰-受格
whateverno matter what不論什麼
whicheverno matter which不論哪個
wherever no matter where不論哪裡
wheneverno matter when不論何時
howeverno matter how不論如何

I. 複合關係代名詞: whoever , whomever, whatever, whichever

  1. 這個用法式以複合關係代名詞引導副詞子句,當作「不論」的意思。跟no matter的句子一樣,副詞子句和主要子句是分開的二句,副詞子句並不是包含在主要子句裡,因此使用的時候要加逗點隔開二句。
  2.  結構角色
  3. 句子的結構角色
    whichever (+N)當主詞、受詞

Whoever holds the invitation card, he or she is allowed to participate in the party.
(不論誰持有邀請卡,他或她都可以參加聚會。 )
→ whoever引導副詞子句,在子句是主詞的身份,當「不論」解釋


Whomever Jessica invites, he or she is allowed to participate in the party.
(不論Jessica邀請誰,他或她都可以參加聚會。 )
→ whomever引導副詞子句,在子句是invites受詞的身份,當「不論」解釋


Whatever is flying around the pear, this insect must be hungry.
→ whatever引導副詞子句,在子句是主詞的身份,當「不論」解釋


Whatever you have said to Aaron, he will not be affected.
→ whatever引導副詞子句,在子句是said受詞的身份,當「不論」解釋

✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. ________ has tried the spaghetti in this Italian restaurant, he or she will love the taste!
    (A) Whoever
    (B) Who
    (C) Whomever
    (D) Anyone who
  2. ________ optimistic the girl pretended to be, she couldn’t conceal the sorrow in her eyes.
    (A) Whenever
    (B) Whatever
    (C) However
    (D) Whomever
  3. 不論你想要什麼,我都可以買給你。


📜 關係詞的用法連結:


1. A

2. C

3. Whatever you want, I can get it for you.

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