【防疫英文 1】指考焦點熱區。考前必看的防疫懶人包!


本篇聚焦於防疫單字,防疫單字 2 連結在此,防疫英文翻譯猜題請見:110指考翻譯猜題防疫篇 1防疫篇 2




防疫英文詞彙 1

  • coronavirus (n.) 新冠病毒

Be aware of getting the coronavirus, because it is highly infectious.

→  補充:infectious (adj.) 傳染的


  • COVID-19 新冠肺炎 (n.) (= Covid-19)

Some people with COVID-19 are asymptomatic; that is, they are infected but show no signs.
(一些新冠肺炎患者沒有症狀; 也就是說,他們被感染但沒有表現出任何跡象。)


  • break out (疾病或戰爭) (v.) 爆發 (n. outbreak 爆發)

Since the epidemic broke out, it has rapidly spread around the world and claimed millions of lives worldwide.

→  補充:epidemic (n.) 流行病,pandemic (n.) 大流行病,spread 散播 (三態:spread, spread, spread)


  • contract (v.) 感染疾病 (n. contract 合約)

Those who are worried about contracting the disease may go to the doctor for a test.

→ 補充:catch = be infected with 被感染疾病 (adj. infectious 傳染性的),be diagnosed with 被診斷出疾病 (n. diagnosis 診斷)


  • be transmitted from person to person 人傳人

Since the coronavirus  can be transmitted from person to person, we should wear a mask to avoid droplets when talking with others.

→ 補充:人傳人 (n.) person-to-person transmission,contact (n.) 接觸,cover one’s mouth 遮住嘴巴

→ 補充:wear a mask 戴著口罩,put on a mask 戴上口罩,droplet 飛沫 (字尾 -let是「小」的意思,例 piglet 小豬)



  • symptom (n.) 症狀 

The common symptoms of COVID-19 include coughing, fever, fatigue, and the changes of smell and taste.
(新冠肺炎的常見症狀包括咳嗽、發燒、疲勞以及嗅覺和味覺的變化。 )

→ 補充:asymptomatic (adj.) 無症狀的 (字首 a- 意為「沒有」,例 anonymous 匿名的)


  • contain (v.) 控制 (以防止傳播),take effective measures 採取有效措施,enforce restrictions 實施限制

So far, the government has taken effective measures, like enforcing restrictions, to contain the illness.

→ 補充:contain (v.) 包含,container (n.) 容器


  • screen (v.) 檢查; 測試,quarantine (n) 隔離 (v) 使隔離

Foreign visitors must be screened for COVID-19 and spend 14 days in quarantine.
(外國遊客必須接受新冠肺炎篩查並隔離 14 天。)

→ 補充:screen (n.) 螢幕,be kept in quarantine for 14 days 被隔離14天,strict quarantine rules 嚴格的隔離規定

→ 補充:isolate oneself/self-isolate in one’s own home 居家隔離,isolate (v.) 隔離; isolation (n.)


  • maintain social distancing 維持社交距離non-essential gatherings 不必要的聚會

It is required that currently people should still maintain social distancing and avoid non-essential gatherings.

→ 補充:group gatherings 群聚,fine (v.) 罰款


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