seem的用法 大全|用架構3分鐘學會「似乎」的句型

seem的用法 是表示「似乎」的學習重點 ,有seem + adj、seem to V、seem to + have pp、It seems that + S V,與全部都可以代換成appear + adj、appear to V、appear to + have pp、It appears that + S V。

如果今天報告完計畫,經理看起來很滿意,可以很高興地跟組員說:「The general seems satisfied with our project!」或「It seems that the general is satisfied with our project!」也可以將seem換成appear。

seem的用法 在生活中很常見,只要從清楚的架構下手就能輕鬆學會這個句型喔!一起來花3分鐘就學起來吧!





句型1:S + seem +adj

  1. seem是「似乎」的意思,是連綴動詞,可以直接加形容詞
  2. 注意,seem的後面不加副詞。
  3. seem可以與appear代換,但appear比較正式。

The baby seems full.

= The baby appears full.


→ seem/appear + adj

→ (X)The baby seems fully.


The yawning child seems sleepy.

= The yawning child appears sleepy.


→ seem/appear + adj


句型2:S + seem +to V

  1. seem和appear也可以直接加不定詞to V
  2. 注意,此用法中的to V與seem是相同的時間點。不同時間點的用法請見句型3。

The red-faced girl seems to feel embarrassed about her slip of the tongue.


→ seem + to V

→ seem和feel同一個時間點.


The teacher’s comment appeared to show that the students did a good job.


→ appear + to V

→ appear和show同一個時間點


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


句型3:S + seem +to have pp

  1. 注意,此用法中的to V比seem/appear的時間點
  2. 當要表示的事情比「似乎」還早發生時,因為to後面必須使用原形動詞,無法用過去式,只好用to + have pp來表示比較早的時間。

The lady seems to have been a beauty when she was young.


→ seem + to have pp

→ 這女士年輕的時候是美女,是以前的事情,所以使用to have pp來表示比較早的動作


The patient appears to have forgotten what he said last week.


→ appear + to have pp

→ 已經忘記說過的話是比appear早的事情,所以使用to have pp來表示比較早的動作


句型4:It seems +that S V

  1. 也可以使用虛主詞(It seems)+真主詞(that + S + V)的句型表示似乎的句型。
  2. 如果是過去的似乎,可以用seemed或appeared。

It seems that all the audience like the magician’s performance.


→ 用「It seems + that子句」表示「似乎」


It appeared that the new policy had provoked much severe criticism.


→ 用「It appeared + that子句」表示「似乎」



✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. Apparently, George seems _______ about his new job.
    (A) excitedly
    (B) excitement
    (C) excited
    (D) exciting
  2. The burping girl seems _______ the meal tonight.
    (A) to have enjoyed
    (B) enjoying
    (C) enjoyed
    (D) enjoyment
  3. 大部分孩子們似乎很喜歡到動物園參觀。
    (1) (S seem to)__________________________________
    (2) (It seems that)______________________________


🔑 正解:

1. C

2. A

3. (1) Most children seem to like to visit zoos.

(2) It seems that most children like to visit zoos.


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