導致的用法 |lead to和result in等,還有哪些?

氣候變遷「導致」全球暖化、這傳染度高的疾病「導致」許多人生病…. 等類似議題,這些表示 導致的用法 都是我們在生活中很常談論到的主題。在表示因果cause and effect的英文作文中,也是必用到「導致」的表達法。







表示 導致的用法


  1. 表示「導致」的動詞後面接「結果」。
  2. 常用的有cause。
  3. 片語有lead to、result in、bring about、give rise to、contribute to。
  4. 注意,這些用語在被動語態中的表示法。


  • cause:引起某事發生,通常接不好的事情

Be careful that an unbalanced diet may cause obesity.



The constant change of policies has caused great confusion in the society.



The rising unemployment rate has caused the public to lose faith in their government.


→ cause sb/sth to


  • lead to:導致,後面可接正面或負面的用語

The researchers’ hard work has led to a great development of technology.


→ lead三態:lead, led, led


According to scientists, it is global warming that has led to climate change.



  • result in:導致,後面可接正面或負面的用語

Constant exposure to loud music may result in the loss of hearing.



The ambassadors’ effort finally resulted in the peace talk between the two countries.




  • bring about:讓某事發生,不特定接好或不好的事情

Only through cooperation with each other may the residents bring about some change to their community.



The severe typhoon brought about much damage to this village.



  • give rise to:表示導致某事的原因,通常接不好的事情

The man’s dishonesty has given rise to the distrust of his friends in him.



The king’s greed and pride gave rise to the fall of his kingdom.



  • contribute to:偏向「促成」之意,後面可接正面或負面的事情

The devotion of all the medical researchers contributed to the discovery of the new therapy for this disease.



The pressure from work may contribute to depression.




導致用法 之被動語態


  1. 注意,這些用語在被動語態中的表示法,雙字動詞必須完整寫出。
  2. 後面也可以直接加by + 執行對象。

Kevin’s loss of work was caused by his slip of the tongue.


→ be caused + by 執行對象


The disappearance of a large number of bees was brought about by the human’s use of pesticides.


→ be brought about + by 執行對象


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