因為的用法 |because和due to等,還有哪些可表示原因?

在表示因果cause and effect的英文作文與情境中,必然要用到 因為的用法 。在上一篇學習了導致的用法後,趕緊來學習可表示原因的用法。







表示 因為的用法1

  1. 表示「因為」的連接詞後面接「原因」。


因為的用法 – 連接詞

  1. 連接詞有because、since、as。
  2. 注意,連接詞後面加完整子句
  • because
  • 意為「因為」,用於解釋某事發生的原因

The workers called it a day because they had finished their work.


→ because + 子句


Megan turned down Nora’s invitation to the party partly because she had to work.


→ because可搭配副詞parimarily、partly等


  • since
  • 意為「因為」、「既然」,主要用於表示某人決定做某動作的原因。語氣比較弱,主要重點在主要子句。

Oliver did much exercise since he wanted to lose weight.


→ since + 子句

→ since + 表示did much exercise的原因


Since the college student has found a part-time job, now he has more money to spend.



  • as
  • 意為「因為」,主要用於表達某人決定做某動作的原因,或表示某事情是對的原因。語氣比較弱,主要重點在主要子句。

The man felt greatly encouraged as he had 10,000 new subscribers to his channel.

(這個人感到非常鼓舞,因為他頻道有 10,000 名新訂閱者。)

→ as + 子句

→ as + 表示主要子句的原因


Katherine’s family moved to the suburbs as they think the air is fresh there.



  • for
  • 意為「因為」,主要用於引述事情的理由,使用時前面要加逗點。

Vera orders food online very often, for she considers it convenient.

(Vera 經常在網上訂餐,因為她認為這很方便。)

→ 「, for」 + 子句

→ for的前面要加逗點

→ for + N時,意思是「為了」



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


表示 因為的用法2

  1. 表示「因為」的介系詞後面接「原因」。


因為的用法 – 介系詞

  1. 介系詞有because of、owing to、due to、thanks to、as a result of、through。
  2. 介系詞後面加的是名詞或動名詞V-ing
  • because of + N

Because of the heavy rain, the game was postponed.


→ because of + N


Ian insists on going jogging every because of the health benefit the exercise may bring.



  • owing to + N/V-ing
  • 可與一般動詞連用
    due to + N/V-ing:常與be動詞連用

Owing to the challenges Hank faced, he has grown more mature.


→ owing to + N/V-ing


The mistake was due to the carelessness of the secretary.


→ be + due to


Owing to the teacher’s instructions, these students have understood the theory.



The collapse of the house was due to the devastating earthquake.




  • thanks to
  • thanks to + 好的事情

Thanks to Victor’s timely help, we solved the complicated problem.

(感謝 Victor 的及時幫助,我們解決了這複雜的問題。)

→ thanks to + 好的事情


Thanks to modern technology, we are able to contact with our friends anythime and anywhere.


→ thanks to + 好的事情


  • as a result of + N/V-ing
  • 意為「因為」或「做了為某事的結果」,強調事情的因果.

The man had finally established 3 companies as a resulf of his diligence and devotion.



As a result of her incurable disease, the hostess of the talk show had to quit her job.





  • through + N
  • 意為「因為」或「透過」,強調經由某事情而產生結果.

Barbara finally tanned herself through frequent exposure to the sun.



The foreign made himself understood through body language and simple Mandarin.



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