新型學測 篇章結構-109指考 詳解 |「格鬥士的由來」
篇章結構-109指考 的篇章結構是關於格鬥士的由來。典型的人文歷史題,「羅馬人」又來了!指考時間只有80分鐘,包含寫翻譯與作文,每大題都分秒必爭。建議篇章結構5題最多在6-7分鐘內完成。加速閱讀與運用技巧可在5分鐘內飆完!
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新型學測 篇章結構-109指考 篇章結構
I. 題目
- Gladiators were combatants who fought against criminals, wild animals, and each other during the time of the Roman Empire. They were armed with deadly weapons and in most cases fought till either one of them accepted defeat or was killed. 31 Roman people enjoyed the sight of blood and violent death. They crowded into the arenas to watch gladiator games, just like we watch football, baseball, and tennis matches today.
- 32 Some were slaves bought from different lands under Roman control, and some were prisoners of war. Most of the others were volunteers, a group which once accounted for half of all gladiators. The majority of the gladiators were Thracians, Gauls, and Africans. These combatants were generally skilled fighters and were paid for their services. 33 All of the fighters, both male and female, were well looked after by their owners and rewarded after winning fights.
- Roman historians sometimes called gladiators hordearii, a Latin term which means “barley eaters” in English. 34 Chemical analyses of the bones found in a gladiator graveyard indicated that the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley, and beans. 35 In addition to a plant-heavy diet, gladiators drank plant ashes to fortify the body after physical exertion and to promote better bone healing. The diet that gladiators followed may be unconventional by modern athletic standards, but in the days of the Romans, this was the diet of heroes.
A. Gladiators were recruited from different sources. |
B. The origins of gladiators were obscure and mysterious. |
C. Recent research findings suggest that this name was likely literal. |
D. There is evidence to suggest that females also participated in gladiator contests. |
E. Gladiators fought for the entertainment of Rome’s rich and mighty, as well as for the public. |
F. Also, there was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters. |
Key: E A D C F 花費的時間:_________________
🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。
🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。
🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。
II. 詳解
31 題: … They were armed with deadly weapons and in most cases fought till either one of them accepted defeat or was killed. __31__ Roman people enjoyed the sight of blood and violent death.
→ 本題答題關鍵在31格前句子的主詞they,由此可推知空格的主詞應延續同樣為「人、複數」,所以考慮(A)和(E)選項。而 (E) 選項 Gladiators fought for the entertainment of Rome’s rich and mighty, as well as for the public.的主詞Gladiators與前句的they呼應,接著檢查語意,文章中「羅馬人喜歡看見血與暴力死亡的場景」呼應選項中「鬥劍士娛樂的對象是羅馬有錢有勢的人與一般大眾」,確定答案為(E)。
32 題: __32__ Some were slaves bought from different lands under Roman control, and some were prisoners of war.
→ 本題答題關鍵在32格後句子的主詞Some,由此可回推空格的主詞應延續同樣為「人、複數」,考慮 (A) 選項 Gladiators were recruited from different sources. ,主詞gladiators與文章的Some呼應。接著檢查語意,文章中「從各領土買來的…有些是戰俘」呼應選項中「鬥劍士由不同來源招募而來」,確定答案為(A)。(B)選項雖然有提到the origins of gladiators,但本段並非談論來源很神秘。
33 題:__33__ All of the fighters, both male and female, were well looked after by their owners and rewarded after winning fights
→ 本題答題關鍵在33格後句子的both male and female,由此可回推空格前的句子應該有提到相關資訊,考慮 (D) 選項There is evidence to suggest that females also participated in gladiator contests. ,選項的females與文章的both male and female呼應。接著檢查語意,文章中「所有的鬥劍士不分男女,都受到主人的良好照料」呼應選項中「證據指出女性也參與鬥劍士的比賽」,確定答案為(D)。
34 題:Roman historians sometimes called gladiators hordearii, a Latin term which means “barley eaters” in English. __34__ Chemical analyses of the bones found in a gladiator graveyard indicated that the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley, and beans.
→ 本題答題關鍵在34格前句子提到新的元素gladiators hordearii, “barley eaters” ,可知後一句必定會接著與新的資訊相關,”barley eaters”名詞,考慮 (C) 選項Recent research findings suggest that this name was likely literal. 。選項的this name與文章的”barley eaters”呼應,後句也提到the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley, and beans.,語意通順,確定答案為(C)。
35 題: __35__ In addition to a plant-heavy diet, gladiators drank plant ashes to fortify the body after physical exertion and to promote better bone healing.
→ 本題答題關鍵在35格後句子中In addition to a plant-heavy diet(除了),可推知前一句必定有提到plant-heavy diet,考慮 (F) 選項Also, there was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters.。選項的a plant-heavy diet與文章的”little sign of meat … in the diet”呼應,語意通順,確定答案為(F)。
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