104年指考篇章結構 詳解 |新型學測參考

104指考篇章結構 是典型的科普題。光在主題句出現「鋰電池」一開始就夠嚇人了!尤其是文史社會學類的同學,看到這類文章可能會感覺陌生緊張而影響作答。


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104年指考篇章結構 題目



  •     Since the early 1990s, the lithium-ion battery has been the most suitable battery for portable electronic equipment. Today, they’re commonly used for cellphones, computers, tablets, digital cameras, and other devices.
  •     Lithium-ion batteries have nearly twice the energy density of traditional nickel cadmium batteries. __31__ This feature has important implications for cellphones and computers, because it makes these items more portable for consumers. It also makes power tools easier to use and allows workers to use them for longer periods of time.
  •     __32__  Lithium-ion batteries retain no “memory” of their power capacity from previous charging cycles. Thus they require no scheduled cycling and can be fully re-fueled to their maximum capacity during each charging cycle. Other rechargeable battery types, in contrast, retain information from previous charging cycles, which wastes valuable storage space. Over time, this makes these rechargeable batteries hold less of a charge.
  •     __33__ It is fragile and requires a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. A high load could overheat the pack and safety might be jeopardized. __34__ After 2-3 years of use, the pack often becomes unserviceable due to a large voltage drop caused by high internal resistance.
  •     It should be noted, however, that manufacturers are constantly making improvements on lithium-ion batteries. __35__ With such rapid progress, the use of lithium-ion batteries will certainly expand further.
  1. The lithium-ion battery is also a low maintenance battery.
  2. Despite its overall advantages, the lithium-ion battery has its drawbacks.
  3. New and enhanced chemical combinations are introduced every six months or so.
  4. Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium-ion batteries failed due to memory problems.
  5. That is, they carry more power in a smaller unit, helping to reduce overall weight and size.
  6. Another downside is the increase of the internal resistance that occurs with cycling and aging.


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104年指考篇章結構 詳解

記得破解關鍵:(1) 主詞、代名詞  (2) 檢查前後句意  (3) 動詞時態


    Since the early 1990s, the lithium-ion battery has been the most suitable battery for portable electronic equipment. Today, they’re commonly used for cellphones, computers, tablets, digital cameras, and other devices.

    Lithium-ion batteries have nearly twice the energy density of traditional nickel cadmium batteries. __31__ This feature has important implications for cellphones and computers, because it makes these items more portable for consumers. It also makes power tools easier to use and allows workers to use them for longer periods of time.

    __32__ Lithium-ion batteries retain no “memory” of their power capacity from previous charging cycles. Thus they require no scheduled cycling and can be fully re-fueled to their maximum capacity during each charging cycle. Other rechargeable battery types, in contrast, retain information from previous charging cycles, which wastes valuable storage space. Over time, this makes these rechargeable batteries hold less of a charge.

    __33__ It is fragile and requires a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. A high load could overheat the pack and safety might be jeopardized. __34__ After 2-3 years of use, the pack often becomes unserviceable due to a large voltage drop caused by high internal resistance.

    It should be noted, however, that manufacturers are constantly making improvements on lithium-ion batteries. __35__ With such rapid progress, the use of lithium-ion batteries will certainly expand further.

  1. The lithium-ion battery is also a low maintenance battery.
  2. Despite its overall advantages, the lithium-ion battery has its drawbacks.
  3. New and enhanced chemical combinations are introduced every six months or so.
  4. Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium-ion batteries failed due to memory problems.
  5. That is, they carry more power in a smaller unit, helping to reduce overall weight and size.
  6. Another downside is the increase of the internal resistance that occurs with cycling and aging.


31題:前一句有主詞Lithium-ion batteries,可見31格應接著此主詞為複數代名詞they,先考慮選項中有they為主詞的句子為(E),檢查句意,「它們可以在比較小的單位中儲存更多能量,幫助縮減整體的重量與大小」與後句的主詞This feature相呼應,故答案為(E)。


32題:這題在段落的第一句,必須檢查前一段末的文意,前一段在說明lithium-ion batteries的優點。32格後面一句的主詞為lithium-ion batteries,而32格在段落第一句,應該還是相同的主詞,考慮有主詞the lithium-ion battery的(A)和(B)。接著掃描本段的文意,仍在談論lithium-ion batteries的優點,加上關鍵also,因此答案確定為(A) 「鋰離子電池也是一種低維護的電池」。




34題:從文意得知,本段在談論電池缺點,考慮(F)。(F)的aging可和後句的After 2-3 years of use呼應,確定答案是(F)「另一個缺點是它的內部電阻會隨著充電循環與使用時間而增加」。


35題:35格後面的代名詞such rapid progress可回推35格在談論電池的改善,考慮(C)。從最後句的will expand further,可確定與(C)的new and enhanced呼應,確定答案是(C)「新的改進化合物每六個月左右就會被推出」。

📜 與篇章結構相關的句型

Key: (E) (A) (B) (F) (C)


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