







  •     Every civilization is built upon rules and regulations. In ancient Egypt, the government was dominated by a single figure, the Pharaoh, who was considered the divine representative of gods on earth. ___31___ He was the supreme ruler and owned all of Egypt, the land and all the people who lived there.
  •     ___32___ There was a hierarchy of rulers and leaders below him who ran different aspects of the government. The primary leader under the Pharaoh was named the vizier. The vizier was the “right-hand man” of the Pharaoh and had a status equivalent to that of a prime minister. ___33___ They ruled over an area of land called a nome. A nome was like a state or province.
  •     Other officials that reported to the Pharaoh were the army commander, chief treasurer, and the minister of public works. Since government and religion were inseparable in ancient Egypt, many of the officials were also priests and holy men. This group had a special status above the rest of the citizens, forming a kind of nobility. ___34___
  •     In the several-thousand-year span of Egyptian history, the general method of governing was quite consistent. ___35___ The consistency of this governing system is what allowed Egypt to remain a prominent country for such a long time.

(A) Under the vizier were local governors called nomarks.
(B) The Pharaoh, however, could not run the government all by himself.
(C) As a living god, the Pharaoh was given absolute control over his subjects.
(D) Governors of specific pieces of land were sometimes controlled by the vizier.
(E)  It only changed when parts of Egypt were invaded or someone overthrew the government.
(F)  Together with the Pharaoh, the viziers, and the nomarks, these officials and nobles governed the country.

答案:1. (C)   2. (B)   3. (A)  4. (F)   5. (E)


前一句若主詞為名詞,則後一句常會把主詞改成代名詞,或者在下一句會當相應的受詞。反推回來,後面的代名詞主詞必須與前面對應。大考常考的方式是從後句推論前句,因此從主詞找出對應的人、事、物即可輕易找出選項。代名詞有:I, you, he, she, him, her, they, them, it, myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves, this, that

In ancient Egypt, the government was dominated by a single figure, the Pharaoh, who was considered the divine representative of gods on earth.  ___31___    He was the supreme ruler and owned all of Egypt, the land and all the people who lived there.

→ 解題技巧:
a. 空格後的句子主詞為代名詞He,可見31題的句子必定有這些線索:「人、男性、單數」
b. 選項中有以「人、男性、單數」為主詞的有(B)和(C)。接著加上句意線索來選出答案。


🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。





In ancient Egypt, the government was dominated by a single figure, the Pharaoh, who was considered the divine representative of gods on earth.  ___31___    He was the supreme ruler and owned all of Egypt, the land and all the people who lived there.

→ 31題解題技巧:

(B) The Pharaoh, however, could not run the government all by himself.
(C) As a living god, the Pharaoh was given absolute control over his subjects.


___32___ There was a hierarchy of rulers and leaders below him who ran different aspects of the government.

→ 32題解題技巧:

a. 空格後的出現代名詞him,可見32題的句子主詞或受詞必定有提到這些線索:「人、男性、單數」
b. 選項中有以「人、男性、單數」為主詞或受詞的只剩下(B)。
(B) The Pharaoh, however, could not run the government all by himself.


___33___ They ruled over an area of land called a nome. A nome was like a state or province.

→ 33題解題技巧:

a. 空格後出現代名詞They,可見33題的句子主詞或受詞必定有提到這些線索:「人、複數」
b. 選項中有以「人、複數」為主詞或受詞的有(A)、(D)、(F)。
(A) Under the vizier were local governors called nomarks. (本句為地方副詞在句首的倒裝句,主詞為local governors called nomarks)
(D) Governors of specific pieces of land were sometimes controlled by the vizier.
(F)  Together with the Pharaoh, the viziers, and the nomarks, these officials and nobles governed the country.


This group had a special status above the rest of the citizens, forming a kind of nobility. ___34___

→ 34題解題技巧:

a. 空格前的句子主詞為This group,含代名詞This,34題在本段最後一句,可見應該會跟前一句意思高度相關,推知34題的主詞或受詞可能是:「這個團體」、「人、複數」或代名詞it
b. 選項中有以「這個團體」、「人、複數」或代名詞it為主詞或受詞的有(E)和(F)。
(E)  It only changed when parts of Egypt were invaded or someone overthrew the government.
(F)  Together with the Pharaoh, the viziers, and the nomarks, these officials and nobles governed the country.


In the several-thousand-year span of Egyptian history, the general method of governing was quite consistent. ___35___ The consistency of this governing system is what allowed Egypt to remain a prominent country for such a long time.

→ 35題解題技巧:

a. 空格前與後的句子都有consistent與the consistency,被不同詞性但意思相同的字包夾,可見有高度相關。35題前的主詞為the general method,可見在高度相關的條件下,35題的主詞應該會跟前一句呼應,推知主詞或受詞可能是:代名詞it
b. 選項中有以代名詞it為主詞或受詞的有(E)。
(E)  It only changed when parts of Egypt were invaded or someone overthrew the government.

📜 與篇章結構相關的句型


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