附和句 |3分鐘學會怎麼分too, so, either和neither

附和句 用於表示對對方的意見表示贊同,依據句意,分為肯定附和與否定附和。肯定附和有「肯定句 + too」和「so + 倒裝結構」二種用法,意思是「…也是」。否定附和是「否定句 + either」和「neither + 倒裝結構」二種用法,意思是「…也不」。






附和句 用法

I. 肯定 附和句 

  1. 句型1:S V, and S V, too.
  2. 句型2:S V, and so V S.
  3. 肯定附和句用於表示對前面句子有相同的肯定看法,可用too或so表達。
  4. too意思是「也」,放在句尾,使用, and S V, too的結構,前面須加逗點。
  5. so意思是「也」,搭配倒裝句,使用and so+V+S的結構。
  6. 附和句使用簡答模式,動詞必須與前句的動詞同形式、同時態,動詞的單複數則由附和句本身的主詞決定。
  7. 附和句的動詞:


David is intelligent, and his brother is, too.

= David is intelligent, and so is his brother.


→ 前句為be動詞,附和句也用be動詞。

→ too置於句尾,so置於附和句的句首,因此必須加倒裝結構V S。


These men are the graduates of this school, and their parents are, too.

= These men are the graduates of this school, and so are their parents.


→ 前句為be動詞,附和句也用be動詞。

→ too置於句尾,so置於附和句的句首,因此必須加倒裝結構V S。


The professional swimmer can swim very fast, and his teammates can, too.

= The professional swimmer can swim very fast, and so can his teammates.


→ 前句為助動詞can,附和句也用助動詞can。

→ too置於句尾,so置於附和句的句首,因此必須加倒裝結構V S。


Ms. Lee will move to the south, and her best friend will, too.

= Ms. Lee will move to the south, and so will her best friend.


→ 前句為助動詞will,附和句也用助動詞will。

→ too置於句尾,so置於附和句的句首,因此必須加倒裝結構V S。



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


The baby has slept for three hours, and her grandma has, too.

= The baby has slept for three hours, and so has her grandma.


→ 前句為完成式has,附和句也用完成式has。

→ too置於句尾,so置於附和句的句首,因此必須加倒裝結構V S。


Some birds migrate, and some whales do, too.

= Some birds migrate, and so do some whales.


→ 前句為一般動詞migrate,附和句用助動詞do。

→ too置於句尾,so置於附和句的句首,V的單複數與S一致。


The kids love sugary food, and their mother does, too.

= The kids love sugary food, and so does their mother.


→ 前句為一般動詞love,附和句用助動詞does。

→ too置於句尾,so置於附和句的句首,V的單複數與S一致。



II. 否定 附和句 

  1. 句型1:S not V, and S isn’t/can’t/haven’t/don’t, either.
  2. 句型2:S not V, and neither V S.
  3. 否定附和句用於表示對前面句子有相同的否定看法,可用either或neither表達。
  4. either意思是「也不」,放在句尾,使用「and S + 否定動詞, either」的結構。
  5. neither意思是「也不」,搭配倒裝句,等於not … either,本身已經是否定的意思,因此使用「and neither+V+S」的結構。注意,neither後的動詞不需要再用否定形。
  6. 附和句使用簡答模式,動詞必須與前句的動詞同形式、同時態,動詞的單複數則由附和句本身的主詞決定。


I am not good at math, and my sister isn’t, either.

= I am not good at math, and neither is my sister.


→ 前句為be動詞,附和句也用be動詞。

→ either置於句尾,neither置於附和句的句首,加倒裝結構V S。


Sandra is not going to the conference, and her colleague isn’t, either.

= Sandra is not going to the conference, and neither is her colleague.


→ 前句為be動詞,附和句也用be動詞。

→ either置於句尾,neither置於附和句的句首,加倒裝結構V S。


The students didn’t hear the bell ring, and the teacher didn’t, either.

= The students didn’t hear the bell ring, and neither did the teacher.


→ 前句為didn’t,附和句也用did。

→ neither已經是否定意思,後面不需再加否定意思。

→ either置於句尾,neither置於附和句的句首,加倒裝結構V S。


Amy has never been to Japan, and her brother hasn’t, either.

= Amy has never been to Japan, and neither has her brother.


→ 前句為has never been,為否定意義,附和句也用hasn’t。

→ neither已經是否定意思,後面不需再加否定意思。

→ either置於句尾,neither置於附和句的句首,加倒裝結構V S。



✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

I. 練習
  1. Terry is going to take photography lessons, and ______.
    (A) his sister will, too
    (B) so is his sister
    (C) so does his sister
    (D) his sister does, too
  2. A: I don’t agree with Victoria.  B: _______
    (A) I don’t agree, either.
    (B) Neither don’t I.
    (C) Neither do I.
    (D) I am not, too.
  3. These volleyball players seem to be tired, and so _______.
    (A) has their coach
    (B) seems their coach
    (C) is their coach
    (D) does their coach
  4. Phil還沒看過這部新電影,他的同學也都還沒。


🔑 正解:

  1. (B)
  2. (C)
  3. (D)
  4. Phil hasn’t watched this new movie yet, and neither have all his classmates.

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