相關連接詞 not only A but also B等|看完就都學會啦!

相關連接詞 ,故名思義,就是有高度相關意思的連接詞,通常成對出現。用法和對等連接詞很相似,用來連接二個相同詞性的字詞。

常用的相關連接詞有both A and B(A和B二者都)、not only A but also B(不只A而且B)、either A or B (非A即B)、neither A nor B (非A也非B)。其中,A和B必須是相同詞性和類型的字,在單複數、時態上也必須相同。第一組連接主詞時,搭配複數動詞,而後三者連接主詞時必須以靠近的主詞決定動詞。

這些是很實用又常見的寫作搶分句型,一起來學習吧!(延伸學習:not only在句首的倒裝句用法。)







相關連接詞 的用法

  1. 常用的相關連接詞有both A and B(A和B二者都)、not only A but also B(不只A而且B)、either A or B (非A即B)、neither A nor B (非A也非B)。
  2. 連接相同詞性、類型和屬性的字,例如:動詞的單複數、時態、型態必須相同。
  3. both A and B連接主詞時,加複數動詞。
  4. not only A but also B、either A or B、neither A nor B連接主詞時,動詞依據最近的主詞決定。


I. 連接名詞、形容詞、副詞

  1. 相關連接詞可以連接實字,只要詞性對等就可以。
  2. 實字有名詞、形容詞、副詞,動詞會另外說明。

Tiffany ate both dumplings and hamburgers for lunch.


→ 相關連接詞both … and 連接二個名詞


In my opinion, cycling is not only interesting but also beneficial to health.


→ 相關連接詞not only … but also 連接二個形容詞


My sister likes to exercise, so I will buy either sports shoes or a T shirt as her birthday present.


→ 相關連接詞either … or 連接二個名詞


The girl didn’t win the speech contest, because she spoke neither fluently nor confidently.


→ 相關連接詞neither … nor 連接二個副詞



II. 連接動詞

  1. 相關連接詞可以連接動詞。
  2. 注意,必須使用相同的動詞單複數、時態與型態。

In his spare time, Frank usually both listens to music and reads magazines.


→ 相關連接詞both … and 連接二個動詞片語,都是用現在式的單數


In the interview, Ian not only introduced himself but also talked about his vision.


→ 相關連接詞not only … but also 連接二個動詞片語,都是用過去式


Apparently, Mr. Peterson enjoys either jogging or mountain climbing.


→ 相關連接詞either … or 連接二個動名詞,因為都位於enjoy的後面


The student studied diligently to not only pass the exam but also win a scholarship.


→ 相關連接詞not only … but also連接的動詞必須是相同的型態,本句因為前有to,故都用原形動詞


Sheila went to bed early for fear of both missing the bus and being punished.


→ 相關連接詞both … and連接的動詞必須是相同的型態,本句因為前有of,故都用V-ing


I guess the sick man has either drunk some wine or eaten too much food.


→ 相關連接詞either … nor連接的動詞必須是相同的型態,本句都使用完成式,因為前有has,故都用pp


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


III. 連接主詞

1. both A and B連接主詞時,使用複數動詞。

2. 相關連接詞連接主詞時,必須依靠最接近的主詞決定動詞。

Both the coach and the basketball players are looking forward to the game.


→ 相關連接詞both A and B連接主詞,使用複數動詞are




Not only Kevin but also his parents have been to Spain.


→ not only … but also連接主詞,動詞依據最接近的主詞his parents決定,故使用複數動詞have


Either you or I am to blame for this mistake.


→ either … or連接主詞,動詞依據最接近的主詞I決定,故使用am


Neither the teachers nor the principal is going to attend the students’ prom.


→ neither … nor連接主詞,動詞依據最接近的主詞the principal決定,故使用is


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. Victor is fascinated with both watching films and _______.
    (A) extreme sports
    (B) exciting
    (C) playing online games
    (D) goes outdoors
  2. The crying baby is either _____ or _____.
    (A) unwell; sleeping
    (B) sleepy; sickness
    (C) punished; looking for his mom
    (D) hungry; sick
  3. ______ both paella and sushi your favorite foods?
    (A) Is
    (B) Are
    (C) Have
    (D) Do
  4. 不僅是導遊,連遊客都對這座宏偉的宮殿讚歎不已。(not only…but also)



🔑 正解:

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. Not only the tour guide but also the tourists were amazed at the magnificent palace.



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