不定代名詞 當主詞 |one/some/all of 群體名詞

不定代名詞 用於指不特定的對象、概括指某些人事物,常見的有表示數量的one、two等、some、many、much、all、both、each、every one、either、neither等。

不定代名詞可以當「主詞」,這時候要注意 (1)動詞和主詞的單、複數必須一致、(2) 群體名詞前面要加the,(3) 如果群體名詞是可數,要用複數形。





I. 什麼是不定代名詞:

  1. 定義:沒有指特別的對象,而是概括指示某些對象的代名詞,稱做不定代名詞。
  2. 可分為:
    單數或不可數意義:one, each, every one, either, neither
    複數意義:two等, both, all, many, some, few
    不可數意義:little, much, nobody, none


II. 不定代名詞當主詞

  1. 動詞必須與主詞(不定代名詞)一致。
  2. 群體名詞用可數複數形或不可數形。
  3. 因為屬於有指定的概念,群體名詞前要加the


1. 單數或不可數的代名詞:

  • 常用的有 one, each, every one, either, neither等

One of the students isn’t feeling well, so his can’t join the field trip.


→ one當主詞,加單數動詞is,翻譯為「…之一」。

→ 群體名詞則必須用複數students

→ (X) One of students isn’t feeling well, so his can’t join the field trip.

→ (X) One of students isn’t feeling well, so his can’t join the field trip.


Each of the athletes has a coach to help with the professional training.

= Every one of the athletes has a coach to help with the professional training.


→ each當主詞,加單數動詞has,翻譯為「…之一」。

→ 群體名詞則必須用複數athletes

→ (X) Every of the athletes has a coach to help with the professional training.

→ Every是形容詞,不可當主詞。後面必須加上名詞


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


2. 複數意義的代名詞:

  • 常用的有 two等, both, all, many, some, few, several, most

Three of my childhood classmates are going to visit me this weekend.


→ three是複數,搭配複數動詞are


Both of my parents will dress up and join my graduation ceremony.


→ Both是複數,搭配複數動詞will dress up

→ 表示「二者都」必須用both,two等不行


Few of the residents support this fund raising activity organized by a greedy corporation.


→ Few是複數,搭配複數動詞support


3. 群體名詞是不可數時:

  1. 常搭配的不定代名詞有little, much, all
  2. 在這用法中的群體名詞不可數,例如食物名詞fruit, juice, milk, meat, port, beef、物質名詞wood, paper等。
  3. 因為母群體已是不可數名詞,不管用哪種不定代名詞,主詞應仍是不可數名詞。

I’m sorry, but just little of the milk is left. You can drink it up.


→ milk是不可數名詞,表示部分也是不可數名詞,搭配單數動詞is


Much of the food served on the table tastes pungent.


→ food是不可數名詞,表示部分也是不可數名詞,搭配單數動詞tastes


All of the steak has been consumed in less than 15 minutes.

(所有的牛排都在不到 15 分鐘的時間內被吃完。)

→ steak是不可數名詞,表示全部也是不可數名詞,搭配單數動詞has


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

I. 翻譯練習

  1. 我很少同學的英文被當掉(fail)。
  2. 每個球隊成員都會灌籃。
  3. 不幸的是,有些蜂蜜被灑倒在地。




  1. Few of my classmates have failed English.
  2. Each (one) of the team members can slum dunk.
  3. Unfortunately, some honey is spilt on the floor.


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