建議類動詞advise和insist |在子句中省略should的用法

有些動詞屬於建議、堅持、要求、命令等類,例如:advise, suggest, propose, recommend, urge、insist、ask, request, require, beg, demand、order, command後面接的that名詞子句會帶有「應該」的意思,子句中使用should。

因此,為了方便起見,可以省略 建議類動詞advise和insist 等後面子句裡的should,這麼一來,子句中就會變成直接使用原形動詞。另外,建議類動詞 後面的子句也可用否定,省略should後會變成not V。

這類用法不難,只要掌握語意使用should,並知道可以省略should,造成加原形動詞即可。一起來學習建議類動詞 等的用法吧!






I. S+advise+ that S should V

  1. 有些動詞接的that名詞子句常會含有should,表示「應該」的語意。
  2. 這類動詞有:
    (a) 建議類:advise, suggest, propose, recommend, urge
    (b) 堅持類:insist
    (c) 要求類:ask, request, require, beg, demand
    (d) 命令類:order, command

Health experts advise that people should have a balanced diet.


→ advise建議人們應該做的事,子句裡有should


The mother insisted that the child should finish his dinner before 7:30.


→ insist堅持孩子應該做的事,子句裡有should


Mr. Chen asked that his students should hand in their assignment on time.


→ ask要求學生應該準時作業,子句裡有should


The manager ordered that every employee should attend the meeting.


→ order命令員工應該參加會議,子句裡有should




II. 建議類動詞advise和insist 省略should用法1

  1. 由於這種句型都會含有should的意思,that子句裡的should可以直接省略。
  2. 省略should後會變成主詞加原形動詞。
  3. 句型:S + advise + that S (should) 原V

The chef suggested that customers try beef noodles.


→ 原句:The chef suggested that customers should try beef noodles.

→ suggest建議人們應該做的事,省略子句裡的should後,加原形動詞try


The government requests that each citizen obey traffic rules.


→ 原句:The government requests that each citizen should obey traffic rules.

→ request要求公民應該遵守交通規則,省略子句裡的should後,加原形動詞obey


The king ordered that the criminal be exiled.


→ 原句:The king ordered that the criminal should be exiled.

→ order下令罪犯應該被放逐,省略子句裡的should後,加原形動詞be exiled


The old man asked that the broken roof be fixed.


→ 原句:The old man asked that the broken roof should be fixed.

→ ask要求屋頂被修復,省略子句裡的should後,加原形動詞be fixed


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III.建議類動詞advise和insist 省略should用法2

  1. that子句裡如果是否定意思,用should not V,在省略should的用法中,會變成(should) not V。
  2. 句型:S + advise + that S (should) + not + 原V

The doctor advised that the patient not stay up.


→ 原句:The doctor advised that the patient should not stay up.

→ advise建議病人不應該做的事,省略子句裡的should後,變成not stay up


The clerk asked that people not cross the line.


→ 原句:The clerk asked that people not cross the line.

→ ask要求人們不應該越線,省略子句裡的should後,變成not cross



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

I. 選擇
  1. The professor asked that students ______ for the activity.
    (A) paired up
    (B) pair up
    (C) had to pair up
    (D) must pair up
  2. The old lady required that her husband ______ for her.
    (A) cooks
    (B) cooked
    (C) cook
    (D) should have cooked
  3. Mike proposed that his family ______  that expensive car.
    (A) don’t buy
    (B) didn’t buy
    (C) musn’t buy
    (D) not buy
  4. 警察命令司機立即靠邊停車。



🔑 正解:

1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (D)

4. The police officer commanded that the driver pull over right away.


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