要怎麼 問天氣 ? |天氣問答和天氣相關用語大集合

「今天天氣如何?」「今天好酷熱!」在生活中常遇到的閒聊話題「天氣」要怎麼說呢?要如何 問天氣 呢?

表達天氣可用三種方式:it當主詞、we等人稱當主詞、there is當主詞。第一種方式也可以表示溫度或天氣狀況。





天氣相關用語 – 問天氣

問天氣 狀況問答

  1. 用How和What提問。
  2. 主詞用表示天氣的it。
  3. How is the weather today? 或What is the weather like today?

A: How is the weather today?

B: It is sunny today.

(A: 今天天氣怎麼樣?


→ 用How問天氣,用It回答


A: What is the weather like today?

B: It is cloudy today.

(A: 今天天氣怎麼樣?


→ 用What … like問天氣,用It回答



  1. 可以用It + 動詞,也可以視意思用We/You/They + have + 名詞、或用There is + 名詞
  2. 用We時表達說話者在的地方、You表達聽話者在的地方、They表達第三者在的地方。


  • 天氣預報:weather forecast
  • 出太陽的:sunny (adj.)
  • 雨:rain (n.) (v.)
  • 下雨的:rainy (adj.)
  • 毛毛雨:drizzle (n.) (v.)
  • 陣雨:shower (n.)
  • 雲:cloud (n.)
  • 有雲的:cloudy (adj.)
  • 風:wind (n.)
  • 有風的:windy (adj.)
  • 微風:breeze (n.)
  • 霧:fog (n.)
  • 有霧的:foggy (adj.)
  • 暴風雨:storm (n.)
  • 暴風雨的:stormy (adj.)
  • 颱風:typhoon (n.)
  • 颶風:hurricane (n.)
  • 龍捲風:tornado (n.)
  • 水災:flood (n.)
  • 旱災:drought (n.)



  • 很多(雨/雪): much, a lot of (adj.)
  • 很少(雨/雪):little (adj.)
  • 輕微的(風/雨):light (adj.)
  • 輕微的(風):gentle (adj.)
  • 大雨:heavy (adj.), pouring (adj.)
  • 中等:moderate (adj.)
  • 間隔:interval (n.)


It usually rains a lot here in May.

= We usually have much rain in May.

= There is usually much rain in May here.


→ 可以用It、We、There當主詞


It usually rains a lot here in May.

= We usually have much rain in May.

= There is usually much rain in May here.


→ 可以用It、We、There當主詞


It is mostly sunny and partly cloudy today.


→ 可以用It當主詞


We had sunny intervals and a gentle breeze yesterday.


→ 可以用We當主詞


A typhoon hit the island last week and brought much rain.


→ 颱風襲擊用hit



  • 溫暖的:warm (adj.)
  • 炎熱的:hot (adj.)
  • 灼熱的:scorching (adj.)
  • 寒冷的:cold (adj.)
  • 酷寒的:freezing (adj.)
  • 冷颼颼的:chilly (adj.)
  • 潮濕的:humid (adj.)
  • 濕的:wet (adj.)
  • 乾燥的:dry (adj.)
  • 全球暖化:global warming (n.)
  • 不正常天氣:abnormal weather (n.)
  • 極端氣候:extreme climate (n.)



  1. ________ is the weather today?
    (A) What
    (B) How
    (C) Where
    (D) However
  2. ________ rained heavily yesterday, but luckily today ________ have a sunny day!
    (A) We; we
    (B) It; it
    (C) It; we
    (D) We; there
  3. 昨天天氣如何?(What…)


1. B

2. C

3. What was the weather like yesterday?


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